If you build it, they will come.

CIMG2522Been wondering what all the construction on the property is all about? Well, it’s the results of all of our sacrifice and giving a few months back.

You didn’t think we had that one year capital campaign for the sheer thrill of it, did you?


No, what you are seeing is the beginning of the worship center that will seat approximately 1300 people! That’s a far cry from the biggest building we meet in now which might seat 350 if we used a crowbar to get them in! Even with the video Cafe and even with the Monroe Campus we will not be able to accommodate all the people who call Southbrook Church home. At this point there are over 4,000 of them.

God has been very good to us people! And he has uniquely positioned us to make an impact here 99.9999 percent of churches never see. Be praying about what God would have you do. What will be your role as the tidal wave approaches?

Anyway, here are a couple pictures for those of you who haven’t made it out in the last week or two.


P.S. One more thing (isn’t there always?). I have thoroughly enjoyed debating all the new comers to the blog, but just yesterday decided to launch a brand new blog to deal with more philosophical issues. For those of you who thought I left some questions unanswered you can rest assure, I did not. Go to my new blog (www.pastorrobsrants.blogspot.com), by clicking here and you can catch up on all the debates.

I must say, it’s been pretty fun!

Oh, and one more one more thing , we need more of you to step up and share your parenting wisdom with us via the “contest launched last week. Remember I need at least 20 people or I save a lot of money! The link and rules are below:

For the contest post and link go here.

The rules are as follows:

1. You must have a blog.

2. Write a post on your blog that tells others about the “mentoring moment(s)” — give us all the juicy details, please!

3. Include a link to today’s post. In other words, include the following link in the post you write, http://www.robsingleton.net/2008/02/15/lets-talk-about-sex-baby/

4. Have your post up by noon, Wednesday, February 27th.

5. Include a link back to this post in your post.

And now, those pictures I promised:


