Rant coming your way in 5…4…3…2…1
About 15 years ago a phenomenon hit that I can only describe like a defibrillator on a heart attack victim. Only there were a lot of victims—millions. The victims I’m talking about are Christian men. Their man cards were about 24 hours from being pulled, then the Promise Keeper paramedics arrived just as millions were getting ready to embrace the light.
But, just like in real life, it usually takes more than one shot with these shocking paddles to really bring someone back form the brink. Because it wasn’t enough for most men, or rather, because they looked to one visit to a football arena as a cure all, most men soon fell back into their safe, unadventurous lifestyles.
Then John Eldridge came forward, defibrillator in hand, and reminded men that we are all really, Wild at heart.
And he’s right.
But it wasn’t enough, and though it shocked a lot of men out of their spiritual comas once again, most soon discovered that the Rip Van winkle force is even greater than the Star Wars one. Soon, they were back asleep.
I fell victim to a lot of these things myself, but I had one secret weapon that kept me from the coma. It was my own spiritual Red Bull, and it’s free.
I’ll get to it in a moment.
But first, let me share the pastors version of the struggle.
I believe a lot of people must feel like pastors are super spiritual people who only need to pass on life lessons (they heard somewhere) to ordinary people but seldom need to go through things themselves, or struggle with similar issues as all other Christian men.
Heck, I even know fellow pastors who have deluded themselves into believing this. By the time they need resuscitation it’s too late.
The good news is that many pastors are waking up to this troubling trend.
The bad news is that they are taking Ambien instead of the spiritual red bull I mentioned early so it’s only a matter of time before they audition for the part of Rip Van winkle again. I think it would be a pretty simple thing to fix, but it’s not easy.
There’s a difference.
The good news?
I’m seeing more and more pastors refuse to be Lone Rangers and now they are seeking out fellow ministers to help them along on this Christian leadership journey.
The bad news is that some of these groups almost immediately veer of course and end up (very quickly) being no more than occasional get togethers that go down just like a high school reunion then a strategic planning session in a war room.
And make no mistake, we are at war.
Stick with me on these posts. It will make sense soon enough.
I promise.
In the meantime, think about what I said.
P.S. Alas, the real writer in the family might just be my wife. I love this the post she has for Valentine’s Day (that’s today for you ‘men’ who still don’t have a clue). You can read it here.