Hits, Misses, and Just Plain Delays

What a great year the Lord has blessed us with at Southbrook Church! I know it’s early, but I’m already thinking about how UNBELIEVABLE next year is going to be.

I’ll bet it will be the Best Year of Our Lives! Read here is you want to know more about that.

But I know that wishful thinking is not enough to have a great year. Even prayer by itself isn’t enough. Preparation and study alone won’t cut it either. It takes all of that and one more thing…


What worked and what didn’t this year?

What were the hits?

Easter, we filled the most ginormous tent you ever saw twice and it was the coldest Easter EVER! First service began around 18 degrees! Southbrook folks really are mighty men and women!


BIG tent 1


BIG tent 2


Big Tent 3

Saved-2dsmall-small2We also saw 131 people saved that day and have continued to see God’s blessing in this area to the tune of nearly 1,000 people added to the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ!

We’ve seen nearly 400 profess Him in baptism.

We’ve seen marriages restored.

Family relationships healed

Answered prayer, God’s continues blessing in finances, an outpouring of generosity that has enabled us to move forward with our new 1300 seat worship center, the beginnings of our Monroe campus with a far greater (permanent) facility than we even dreamed of—right in the very heart of Monroe!

Yes, friends, the blessing from God’s hand upon His people at Southbrook are too numerous to count…but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try!

What about the misses?

I’ll talk about those and the delays tomorrow

Until then…