The Best Day of Your life!!!

CIMG2266This is my son, Nathan’s (he’s the highest one in the tree — naturally) favorite thing to say, “This was the best day of my life!” He says it all the time—sometimes several times in one week! Who can have that many “best days of their entire life?!”

And the kicker?

He genuinely means it, every time!

Ever feel this way? Ever have one of those days at the end of which you breathe in deep and the corners of your mouth draw upward into a huge, goofy grin as you realize what an unbelievably awesome day you just had?


Shame on you. Especially if you’re a Christ follower because this ought to be a regular occurrence for you. Jesus wrote about such a life write here. Read it. Then come back.

I’ll wait…

Would that we all lived this way! Which leads me to a related point today. You see, I have a few friends in the ministry who always seem to be going through similar things. Lately I have had a few people (really, just a few…like 2 or 3, thank God) criticize, oops, I mean, ‘offer constructive feedback with the purpose of building me up and making me a better pastor in the area of “excessive enthusiasm for the building up of God’s Kingdom.”

No, I’m not joking. I wish I was, but there really are people who don’t want you to get too excited about what God is doing.

It isn’t dignified (read here, “It isn’t something I’m able to comfortably do).

But what happens if you really are that excited about Jesus Christ doing great things in your midst? What happens if each coming week and every passing day feels like the best week or day of your life?!” Are we supposed to take spiritual prozac and keep it at an acceptable level?

Funny, I don’t see believers doing this at NASCAR events.

or NFL games…

or Clemson games (even I have been tempted to give a pill to these folks )

or partys…

or political rallys…

Do I need to keep going?

Why do we feel like it’s ok to get loud, crazy, naked (oops, I mean halfway, as in the Greenbay fans who paint their chests green and yellow and only have a thin layer of paint keeping them warm on a 28 degree day) and ‘appropriately enthusiastic’ about all this stuff, but not about the God of the universe condescending to offer us adoption into his family and eternal life?!

Seriously, I didn’t get the memo.

I really do get fired up about upcoming series and baptisms and messages and events because each one has the potential to be the best ever as long as God is leading the way.

That’s why I’m more excited today about what lies ahead for Southbrook then I was yesterday. That’s why we are in an awesome series right now, but I’m even more excited about the one coming up.

It’s going to be the best ever!

So, I hope I never get that memo about curbing my enthusiasm. No thanks. In fact, I’m feeling absolutely great about what I just wrote.

It’s probably my best post ever!!

And others feel this way too (not about my post, but about the whole idea of ‘curbing our enthusiasm). Read what my friend, Perry Noble wrote on the subject as he struggles to understand the same thing. Go ahead and read it and then set out to make sure today is…