The Numbers Are In!



I am so proud of our Southbrook family! We just wrapped up a mini (1 year) campaign to further our reach for Christ, and the totals nearly equal the campaign we had almost 5 years ago for our first campaign!

Did you catch that? I’m not talking about your typical 3 year marathon deal here, I’m not even talking about a full triathlon. I’m talking about a ‘sprint.’ That’s the shortest, smallest, quickest triathlon there is.

So, let me say that again… We just wrapped up a mini (1 year) campaign to further our reach for Christ, and the totals nearly equal the campaign we had almost 5 years ago for our first (3 YEAR) campaign!

Did I mention that that was over a 3 year period! In fact, in the last 5 years, you all have given and pledged more than 5 million dollars to see people who are far from God brought near!

Thank you…ALL OF YOU, who have sacrificed and continue to give above and beyond in order to see this miracle grow and spread! I’ve witnessed the complete transformation of Southbrook Church into one of the most giving, generous, sacrificial and serving churches I’ve ever seen.

Truly, you all understand that back loading your treasures in heaven is the best way to live.

God will bless that tremendously as He already has, but actually…

This is only the beginning!