More than words

Operation Thank . FullI’m so excited about an upcoming outreach we’re gearing up for at Southbrook. We announced it this past weekend and all I can say about it is…

It’s huge!

It will have an impact we’ll all remember for years to come. And I’m hoping the impact will be so positive on our community and our own hearts that we set a tradition that continues to grow with each passing year.

Oh, and

I’m thankful for it.

We all are.

If you weren’t here this past weekend, you can still get in on it, here’s how…

Simply pick up your grocery bag at Southbrook Church during any one of the 6 weekend services, or even by stopping by during the week. Plan on filling it with non-perishables and bringing it with you to (again) one of the 6 weekend services 2 weeks from now (the weekend before Thanksgiving) and leaving it by your car. We’re hoping for a couple thousand of these things and in teaming up with places like Charlotte Rescue Mission and Harvest Kitchen, to feed a large portion of our community for Thanks giving and beyond.

Who couldn’t get excited about that?

Don’t forget to be a part, and remember, there’s no limit. If you and your family want to fill several bags, HAVE AT IT!!

I know you will.

I’m Thank . Full for you all!