Southbrook turns out THANK . FULL!

Thank9_smWow! One of the biggest weekends ever as almost every service was packed! Saturday was big, 8:30 was huge! 10:00 in the main and the Cafe saw standing room only and if you thought it would let up at 11:30, you would have been wrong!

What a weekend, and it couldn’t be for a better cause!

Southbrook is THANK . FULL!

We are full of thanks for all the good things the Lord has dome in our midst this year.

We are very close to seeing more lives changed through the salvation power of Jesus Christ THIS YEAR than all previous years COMBINED!

Did you catch that, Gang?!

What’s happening at Southbrook church is not normal! Not by any stretch, and we know that our great God is behind it. We simply have the awesome privilege of coming alongside Him in the work He is already doing. Imagine that, partnering up with the God of the universe—joining hands with the one who made you to accomplish far more than any of us ever dreamed or even imagined. You can read about it here.

Want to know what I’m thankful for?

  1. Our awesome God!
  2. My incredible family
  3. My 12 year wedding anniversary (yesterday) <— inside joke.
  4. Southbrook Church
  5. Southbrook’s pastors and directors
  6. Southbrook’s many ministry leaders
  7. Southbrook’s hundreds of ministry volunteers (no greater army on earth!)
  8. A chance to give back to the community in a HUGE way.
  9. My favorite time of year—Christmas, as we celebrate Emmanuel!
  10. New friends and God’s growing family (800 new believers!!!).

There’s a whole lot more, but this is a start!

Thanks to everyone for turning out in such great numbers. And I hope you will stick with us as this series moves towards a climax that will rock this city!

And it will all be possible through hearts that are simply….Thank . Full!