Incredibly valuable secret stuff!

Ok, did that get your attention?


People ask me how the old blog is doing from time to time, so here it is in a nutshell.

Pretty good…I guess.


What’s good?

Since we started (officially, in March of this year — though I had a short stint on blogger before launching we’ve grown from an average of 50 hits a day the first month to a height of about 800 hits a day more recently. My hope is that it will continue to grow in influence and readership so that I can begin to really use it as an evangelistic tool as well.

So, in honor of crossing the halfway point, here is a little insight into what it takes to have a successful blog. Study carefully if you really desire to hit the blogger big times!

Oh, and don’t say I never gave you anything!

Pretty insightful stuff, huh?

By the way…I’m neither,

Famous or a famous blogger.

Oh well, I’ll keep right on blogging anyway!

Another cool link: Blogdumps.comÂ