
3 Days to Lift off!


I admit it, I am extra excited about this series beginning this weekend! I believe (actually, I know) we are going to see hundreds of people transformed. We’ll see this in every facet of life. God is in the life change business, so we can always be assured that He will move if people come along side Him in His work. That’s all we’re doing at SCC — His work!

We just provide the spark that gets things going.

The explosion comes from God.

And, again, as God ignites hearts at Southbrook, I believe we will see an explosion of…

  • People learning to become generous givers to God’s work

  • Relationships restored and fully healed.

  • Individuals taking their own health more seriously

  • Deeper community and a stronger emphasis on ‘doing life together’

  • Vibrant relationships to Jesus Christ

  • People discovering their purpose in life

Come to Southbrook this weekend, but don’t just come to church—come expecting God to move in ginormous ways…


Then, hold on for dear life! And for goodness sake, no pushing and shoving please.

There’s plenty for everyone! Praying-emoticon