IGNITE begins THIS Weekend!

It’s time to ignite a fire for God that will burn across the nation!

IgniteMATCHBOOKIn God’s Word, huge movements are often described by rushing wind, a flood or blazing fire. When it’s the Holy Spirit, it’s usually a fire! And a raging inferno best describes what has been going on at SCC for the last 4 years! We’ve doubled in size nearly every year and continued to add services and venues until there simply isn’t anymore room to add. Now we’re looking to expand via multi-sites (Monroe and Fort Mill) and the building (on campus) of our new worship center that will seat nearly 1300! You may have notices the construction trailer out by the Video Cafe, and in the next couple of weeks you will see construction under way!

All of this could not be happening a moment too soon. Weekends like we’ve seen lately are just a taste of what is possible. The truth is, we’d be seeing about twice as many people if we only had room for them all. Well, I don’t know about all you, but I for one do not want to see this massive movement of the Holy Spirit at SCC slow down for even one moment, but like it or not, that is exactly what will happen if we do not join hands and resources toward the expansion of our main campus.

Please be praying for this upcoming series. Whenever we talk about stewardship as a church God moves in the most incredible ways. I expect this series to be no different (except, perhaps even more AWESOME!).

Here’s some of what I am believing God for:

  • I believe God is going to call at least another 100 individuals to commit their lives to Him in these next few weeks.
  • I believe we are going to see a more generous outpouring of financial support for the vision than ever before.
  • I believe we are going to see over one hundred individuals join a small group for the first time.
  • I believe God may even use this series to call several people into full time ministry.
  • I believe we will see our army of 500 plus volunteers grow by several hundred.

And I believe we will see all this and MORE because God is in the life-changing business and He’s been changing lives everywhere we look these days at SCC!

So, will you join me in praying for this series? Join me in praying specifically with these verses in mind. And then fasten your seatbelts because we are all on a God sized ride and He’s driving!

Oh, I still need you all to do one more thing as well. Keep helping me gauge the pulse of our spiritual condition by talking the following poll.


After this I only have 2 more. Keep those votes coming!
