Put legs to those dreams!
Dreaming (buzzz) is all fine and good, but when a lot of people talk about their dreams, I’m pretty sure they’re referring to their ‘daydreams.’
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream.
When you sit around in your world history class and picture yourself as the $300,000,000 powerball winner, that’s a daydream.
Huge difference!
Life’s too short for daydreaming.
Another difference between the two is that daydreamers are notoriously lazy.
God dreamers seem to have a second, third and even fourth wind!
We dreamt together as a staff today and it was awesome. Awesome to see them light up as they talked about what they might do if they knew God was in it.
When it’s your own dream, it will inevitably be exposed as a daydream. When it’s God’s dream and He partners with you (what a privilege, huh?!), it’s a ginormous, life changing dream!
How do you tell the difference?
If you can achieve it without God it’s too small to call a dream.
If it’s too big for you too achieve on your own, but it’s all about YOU…it’s a daydream.
But if it’s too big for you to do alone but it furthers God’s kingdom and makes His name famous?
Hold on to your pillow, you’re in for a wild and adventurous ride!
Oh, one more thing. I like what Craig Groeschel said here about our role and effort in the big dream. If it isn’t worth pouring yourself into heart, mind and soul, it probably isn’t worth doing at all.
Dream Big tonight and tomorrow…
Put legs to it!