This is the second half of our number one reason for not witnessing poll.
Remember the answers?
Here they are incase you missed it (by the way, you can still vote if you haven’t already. Vote here.).
Why Don’t More Christians Share their Faith with Others?
- Fear of rejection
- Don’t know enough
- Fear of not being able to defend beliefs1
- Don’t want to be labeled “Jesus freak” – I say label me but that is easier said than done.1
- Don’t see the urgency
- how to start without saying something weird like “when did you first realize you were going to heaven?”1
- Don’t really see Jesus as the only option
- Other
- Don’t believe in Hell
- Believe in Hell, but don’t believe it will be that bad
Total Votes: 98 Started:
Notice (as I shared with you all this weekend) that no one said they don’t believe in Hell as their answer.
So, most of us do believe in a literal place called Hell, but the majority of us are doing nothing about our friends and family and neighbors that we know are headed there.
Well, the poll tells you why.
Fear seems to be the run away winner.
So here are some things to consider if you are afraid to share Christ with others…
- What’s the worst thing that can happen to you?
Think about this one. There are many countries around the world where your very life would be in danger for simply being a Christian. Yet. Here in
Once you realize this, it reduces your fear.
- Here’s the next thing we can do…PRAY.
And this verse, if you still don’t get it.
And this one.
And one more.
All good reasons to pray.
Here’s the third help…
Study what?
The Bible!
It’s the best place to start. See this verse, and I’ll see you this weekend!