The kind of people God looks for

My friend, Lynn has been through a rough year.

In fact, that may be the understatement of the year.

Hurt by those she loves.



Life is not fair. And it hurts about 100x worse when the pain and suffering inflicted come from those we least expect it from and their blows are followed up with excuses and rationalizations.

Welcome to ministry.

Well, for what it is worth, let me say this…

Lynn Tolbert has impressed me and my family more this year than just about anyone else.

When slandered against she refused to speak negative in return.

When betrayed she continued to hope for the best, believe the best.

When trust was crumbling all around her, her trust in God only deepened.

When her life (as she knew it) was being torn away from her. She clung to life in Christ.

Today I was reminded of all this as I read a comment she left on my blog:

Rob, your words are so true! Ministry is not for those with a weak stomach. I don’t have designs to plant a church, however, I do know that God has placed on my heart a deep desire to make a mighty impact on His Kingdom through ministering to others. When I have claimed victory in one area of my life, the enemy is right there to trip me up in another. But, what a joy when we claim and experience first hand the truth of God bringing something beautiful out of something Satan meant to destroy us! I have to constantly remind myself what the enemy’s main goal is…to destroy the good work that God has begun in me. But, THEN, claim victory knowing that GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN ME THAN he WHO IS IN THE WORLD and IF GOD IS FOR ME, WHO CAN POSSIBLY STAND AGAINST ME!

As I consider what I just wrote, my family did come here to plant a church and satan WAS successful at destroying my family. However, I would have never received the vision for ministry I (personally) have if I would not have walked through the desert full of scorpions…and the other. I am now stronger than I have ever been. Satan’s pursuit will continue, but all I have to do is to give myself those reminders every single day.

But you know what was the single most mind-blowing deal for me?

She made no excuses (and believe me, she could have and most people would have).

She owned her own role like so few ever do.

She did not go around building a case for perfection, she simply moved forward always making sure her heart was right before God at all times.

Almost as though she believed that was the most important thing…


Come to think of it, it is!

See this verse if you don’t believe me.

Nevermind, I’ll give it to you because you may not take the time to click, and you need to know this!

Here it is, 2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.