Guest Blogger: Steven Furtick

Steven Furtick is new to Charlotte, but, if you’re a Christ follower pouring yourself into the local church, I bet you’ve heard of him. Steven pastors a new church called Elevation Church. And in one year this place has blown up! There are now nearly two thousand ‘Elevators’ (attendees at the church who actively live out their faith in Christ Jesus) enthusiastically sharing their faith with others and actively engaged in ‘operation take Charlotte for Jesus!’ It’s truly a wonder to behold. And I should know, I’ve beheld it twice and both times were absolutely off the hook worship experiences.

Steven has become one of my closest friends and a true comrade in this most important mission of seeing Christ change lives through His bride, the local church. I look forward to partnering with Steven and the Elevators as together we turn Charlotte and the entire state of North Carolina (and beyond) upside down for Christ!

Blog Swap: Steven Furtick

When I arrived in Charlotte to plant Elevation less than 2 years ago, I kept hearing about this exploding church called Southbrook. They had, like, 523 services every weekend in a building that seated like, 12 people. And the pastor was a pretty cool guy named Rob.



I called Rob, expecting him to be polite, but distant and guarded. Because that’s the way we generally treat fellow pastors. Especially fellow pastors in our same town. Here’s an ultra cheesy poem one of my seminary professors shared with me that sums this attitude up quite well:


“A church plant in another state

Well that’d be grace and glory

But a church plant in my backyard

Well, that’s another story”


Rob’s attitude couldn’t have been more opposite.


In fact, he took a weekend off from preaching and just showed up at Elevation one Sunday, to support, and learn, and build a friendship. Then he took me to On the Border and paid. I liked him immediately.




The friendship I share with Pastor Rob is an anomaly, I think. We’ve kind of decided that Charlotte is big enough for both of us to reach tens of thousands of lost people a month and still not make a dent, so there’s no need to compete.




Instead, we pray for each other. We eat with each other. We challenge each other. Rob bombards me with text messages because he knows I don’t have a Crackberry like him, and he thinks it’s funny that I have to text him back typing with 2 words per minute with my thumbs.




We dream together about what God might do in our city over the next 5 years, 10 years, and beyond. We set impossible goals together. We give each other insight.




I’m good for Rob. I’m young, raw, and fiery.

Rob’s good for me. He’s old , experienced, and compassionate.




I wish every pastor could have a friend like Rob in their city.




Southbrook, you’ve got an incredible gift in Pastor Rob! I hope you love him, honor him, and follow him wholeheartedly…because a leader of his caliber is rare.




And no, he didn’t pay me to say that.





But I may make him buy lunch next month at On the Border…