Just a thought, but a pretty good one!

I absolutely love this!

The other day a friend of mine put something (that has been on my heart) very well!

I couldn’t agree more!

I don’t know if it originated with him but it doesn’t matter.

It’s right on and we ALL should live like this!

NEVER be satisfied with where we are!
ALWAYS be thankful for what God has done!
NEVER limit what God can do!
ALWAYS dream big…and take bold steps!
NEVER stop reaching people for Christ!
ALWAYS spend money on ministry!
NEVER let the critics and skeptics silence us!
ALWAYS be willing to make NOISE for Christ!
NEVER forget where we came from!
ALWAYS celebrate where we are going!
NEVER allow creativity to trump Scripture!
ALWAYS show the world how relevant the Gospel is!
NEVER lift up a personality!
ALWAYS lift up the name of Jesus!

What can I add to that?

Enough said.