1 for 1 as a prophet! This weekend was off the hook!


Since in the Old Testament the requirement for a true prophet of God was 100% accuracy—or else! (one false prophecy and they stoned you to death!), I think I’ll take this opportunity to announce my retirement!

This weekend really was one of the very best weekends in the history of Southbrook Church! But the truth is, times like these are happening more and more. We’re starting to expect God to move BIG!

And He does!

Every time!

Over 400 saved in the last few months!

118 people professed their love for Jesus through baptism this weekend in a fun and unique way! Check this church out for details!

215 people in the last 2 months and another nearly 200 to go (we’ll be announcing when part 2 of this great experience will be taking place soon)!

It feels like we are living the Acts chapter 2 experience in 2007!

We’re slaying some giants and we’re just getting started. I’ll post some more pictures as they come in.

Thanks to the many volunteers who helped make this weekend a success. I loved having church outside!

And I love all of you!

I never tire of saying it…YOU ROCK!