The now and the not yet

Wow! It’s been more than 20 years since I went to Disney World.

What’s changed most?


They were bad then.

Now they’re like something from a sci-fi/horror flik, “Invasion of the Clones” or something. People were everywhere!

Wall to wall people!

I thought I liked crowds. I was even going to put a GINORMOUS (<— It’s a word now, baby!!) shot of the multitudes up on this blog and call it, “A Record Week at Southbrook!”

Cinderella’s castle in the background might have given my secret away though.

But wouldn’t it be cool if multitudes gathered of THAT size to worship the Lord and hear a message all about JESUS?!

You don’t see that in America, but it happens in South America and South Korea and South Africa.

What gives? I mean this is the South, and that does seem to be the common thread.

Actually, the common thread is big faith in a GINORMOUSLY Big God!

I think we’re going to see this in the USA in my lifetime. I think it might even start with churches like Southbrook.

Just dreaming again.

But last time I checked I read that God liked doing things even beyond those man sized dreams.

Don’t believe me? Look up Ephesians 3:20 sometimes.