The return of the blob AAAuuuuuugggghhhhh!!!!

Remember that old, cheesy horror movie. Some sort of slimy, silly puddy material was sliming the world to death. It’s hard to imagine people getting all worked up about it as a scary movie, but apparently it was quite the ‘pee your pants, cry for your mommy’ type flick in its day.

Well, believe it or not, it’s back!!

The return of the blob.

Only in this case it is a frightening mass of humanity seeping back into the main auditorium at 10:00 and 11:30 on Sunday mornings.

This prospect frightens me a thousand times worse than facing the original blob in a dark alley. In fact Michael, Jason, and Freddy all combined could not do as much damage as this blob does to our chances of reaching more unchurched before the 1300 seat worship center opens in late November of this year.

So, that being said, if you are a member or regular attender of Southbrook Church would you please remember the importance of freeing up seats in the main at 10:00 and 11:30 for our guests?

I’d also like to resurrect the 8:30 cafe group who agreed to make that their home for 8 months or so…

Where did you go?

You’re not being assimilated into the blob are you?

If so we will have to spray you with a fire hydrant and then freeze dry you until you become brittle and break into itty bitty pieces (this, as I recall, was the only way to defeat the blob).

It’s tough but fair.  

Hope to see you all this weekend…

Just not all of you at 10:00 and 11:30 in the main.


P.S. If you are part of this amazing ride, tell us how you found out about Southbrook Church and post it as a comment after my previous blog. Just click here, and post your answer. I will share the results in a couple weeks. We need at least a hundred families to respond to get any real data.
