Good Friday was AWESOME!

Good friday worship team

Tonight was Good Friday and we had our second Good Friday service ever. It was preceded by an “all out” Easter Egg hunt with a few hundred of our little friends scavenging for eggs. Then, we had over 500 turnout for the Good Friday service that overflowed into the cafe!

Good friday crowd Gang, I gotta tell you, a lot of churches talk about their great music but I truly haven’t seen (and I’ve been to many of these churches) talent like this (Southbrook’s) assembled in one place…EVER!

The presence of the Lord was ALL OVER THIS PLACE!!

I can’t wait for this Sunday because God is going to move in a BIG WAY!! I hope you’re planning on inviting everyone within 50 miles of you who has a pulse!

See you then!!

Oh yeah, did I mention the tent will be heated?!