A Tremendous Loss (reposted)

The Memorial Service for Adam Doiron is tonight at http://southbrookchurch.com at 7:00 pm. All friends and family are invited to share in this time of honoring this incredible child of God.

At 6:00 – 7:00 family will gather for a time just prior to the service.




Previous Post

Yesterday was one of those days you pray you’ll NEVER face as a pastor.

Yesterday I gathered with friends and loved ones who had just learned of the passing of Adam Doiron.

It was unexpected and that made it so much more difficult. Adam and Kate have been a part of Southbrook since almost the beginning. They’ve always been servants who put others before themselves. Adam was just about the best example of this Christlike attribute I’ve ever known.

Adam Doiron

Adam and Kate were preparing for the mission field and due to leave in the next 3–4 months to serve the Lord in Germany.

Adam knew who he was living for.

He knew what this life was REALLY about.

He loved the Lord Jesus Christ with all of his heart.

Now he is with Him in heaven.

Adam, you will be missed greatly by those left behind. We look forward to being reunited with you one day as we know all Christ followers will.

We love you Adam.

Thank you for all you did for our Lord and the great example of His love you were to all of us.