Here’s the Breakdown

The numbers are in (drum roll please … dadalutdadalutdadalut…) it was ANOTHER record weekend at SCC! And I can tell you that as awesome as that is (the fact that you all keep inviting your lost friends, neighbors and co-workers) the real percentage change that has me fired up is (you probably guessed it by now)—the shift from people moving out of the most crowded services into the newer venues! It’s more dramatic than the shifting of the earth’s tectonic plates and the resulting 10 magnitude earthquake!…at least in my book!

Here are the results for all 7 weekend services as we get ready to see hundreds of guests this coming weekend:

Saturday — largest EVER
Sunday — 8:30 top three EVER (when combined with cafe)
Sunday — 8:30 cafe — opening day — room for 100 plus
Sunday — 10:00 in the main — standing room only
Sunday — 10:00 cafe room for about 75 people
” — 11:30 main room for about 20 people
” — 11:30 cafe
room for about 100 people!

What does all this mean in plain English? One funny thing is how the very weekend we seem to make these shifts, record numbers turn out and fill us right back up again. How are they discovering our plan before we even implement it?!

Tiny, evil, hairy gnomes is my guess.

Here’s the real answer. We freed up almost 300 seats at the prime times this weekend…even with an extra 100 plus people!!

You all rock!!

Now, if we can just manage to eek out another 100 or so for this coming weekend I believe we will see God BLOW OUR MINDS! He’s going to move and many are going to become Christ followers in a matter of 7 days!! Doesn’t that just FIRE YOU UP??!!! It does me. It’s what I live for.

Keep praying!

Keep inviting!

And this week, BRING THEM!!
