Still there MP’s?

We need you gang! It’s a little late in the week for this post but it’s better than the NOTHING that I was thinking of doing about it. It’s about the Weekend Shuffle. It was going pretty good for a while but now this particular dance has lost popularity faster than the Macerana!

So, friends, by way of reminder, we need those of you who have drifted (ever so slowly) back toward the 10:00 and 11:30 to do the Cabage Patch with your friends on Sunday to Moon Walk back to the Saturday night or 8:30 services because, in the others…WE’RE FULL! Sorry, didn’t mean to yell… 🙂 But last week’s numbers cannot be sustained over 100% capacity. More than 80 people spent the service time standing (too many of them visitors) and the simple (sad) truth of this is that some of those folks will not come back becasue it’s just too much of a hassle. Southcreek Kids classrooms had to be closed becasue they were at capacity as well.

Though Saturday and 8:30 would be the first choices with room still available, there are still some seats in the 11:30 cafe as well if that works better for some of you.

While this is a good problem to have in a day and age when church attendance is in decline and we celebrate what God is doing here at SCC, I still believe He is looking for us to be good stewards with what we have before He blesses our socks off with a new building and some relief.

Can you hang a little longer? When it gets to be a pain remind yourself of the pain Christ endured for you. It will make the little things microscopic, trust me.
Thanks for all you do. Help me in this. I need to see some results here becasue I’ve got 2 majorly exciting deals for you coming down the pike and you need to BE READY.
Are you ready?