This Week’s Champion(s)

This past week’s champion is a bit of a cop out (Time magazine style). There were sooo many folks that helped us pull off an amazing Christmas series and ‘Eve’ that it would be nearly impossible to pick just one. So here’s a shout out to the drama team (hurray!!!), and the music team and drummers (Yeah!!), the greeters and ushers, parking attendants and sound folks, creative team and facilities crew and everyone else who helped make it one of the greatest days ever at SCC — You all ROCK!!

Sadly, today we had our last violin concert from Katie as she leaves us to relocate to Asheville, NC and her new job. She will be greatly missed and the church that gets her will be lucky indeed! Keep following the Lord, Katie. You’re talent and presence will be sorely missed!

Oh, one more AWESOME thing I thought you all might want to know. The Lord helped 40 people unwrap Christmas in the most important way. We saw 40 individuals make decisions for Christ during the “Unwrapping Christmas” series and Christmas Eve!! Go God! The life He brings — the world can’t touch!!

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
John 10:10b (NIV)

Gotta go, gang. I have a family of my own to celebrate the New Year with!