I KNOW that God was smiling on Southbrook Church this past week as we finished our “Unwrapping Christmas” series and our last of 12 (yes 12) Christmas Eve services just after midnight. Some of the ministry leaders informed me that with one service still to go there were already 24 decisions for Christ! If you’re into numbers, THAT’S the most important number there is. Each one is a changed life!!! I’ll add those from the last service once I find out.
MP’s I’m SO PROUD of you!!! We asked you all to OWN the 9:00 service since the 5:00 and 7:00 were full and YOU CAME THROUGH…BIG TIME!. The 9:00 service was as full as the 5:00 — standing room only!! Becasue of you all, more first time guests got seats and heard the good news of the gospel unhindered. What can I say. You ROCK!!
Here’s another cool thing. We had our biggest week ever at SCC. When everyone comes back from break I’ll get the final count, but the first pass came in right at 3,000!! Praise God! If it takes 12 services to get’em all in than so be it. But I hope you all will see why we need to build…and soon.
People keep coming to Southbrook Church. Wanna know why?
The music? It’s awesome, but not the main reason.
Youth? Way cool, but not it.
The preaching? I wish.
No, it’s because Jesus is moving in people’s lives and bringing about life transformation and whenever Jesus is at work, it attracts a crowd.
I’m blown away by this Christmas and all that God has done. This Christmas will forever be etched in my mind! It was one of the best ever!
I’m already thinking about next year!!
Have a happy New Year, Brookies! You all ROCK!