Hello MP’s! I hope you all are planning on joining us Wednesday evening for the last gathering of the MMWY’s of the year!
December 6th Spiritual Disciplines 6:40 – 7:40pm
(Mighty Men and Women) 7:45 – 8:15pm
I have one last MAJOR challenge for you as we close out 06. It has to do with the fact that the biggest day of the year is almost upon us, and more of the unchurched will attend a church for Christmas Eve than at any other time of the year (including Easter.
Knowing this, we need to rise to the challenge. Do you trust the leadership of SCC to present the gospel December 24th in a relevant and life- changing way? You do? Cool. Than, I need to ask you what truck load of people you are planning on caravanning to the services. Perhaps some of you will end up attending several and bringing groups to each one. I hope that’s the case! Some of you are thinking, “But I don’t have that many friends!” Well, better start brushing up on those social skills! You only have a few days left to bond with people!
Here’s the deal, friends. Everyone who calls Southbrook Church home has been challenged to bring their unchurched friends to SCC on this pivotal day, but where does that leave the MP’s? We all committed on that fateful weekend almost 6 weeks ago to place God and his desires in the number one position of our lives whatever the cost. Do you still mean that? If you do, I have a challenge for you.
There are orange invite cards waiting for you at the church. We’ve encouraged all those who call SCC home to invite at least one other person to that service. I would like the MP’s to do TEN TIMES better than that! How’s that for a challenge. King David had some mighty men who personally slew 1,000 of the enemy in battle. that’s 1,000X better than most! But, you know, baby steps.
You should have been praying all along for this momentous day to be a major victory for Jesus as we hope to add many new folks to the family of God. Well, keep on praying, but to your prayers it’s now time to add action. As you pray each day about 10 people or families to invite, make sure you invite at least 4 or 5 a day from now to the 24th. Odds are that you will have to invite about 3 people to get one to show up. Remember, this is not about the invites as much as it is about actually getting people there. Ask God to give you boldness and courage. Ask him to go before you and prepare the hearts of those you will ask, and then step out and start inviting.
I can’t wait to see what the Lord has already planned for that day!
Oh, I hope you’ll all plan on being there this Wednesday as well as we have our last midweek service of 2006. Wait…did I already mention that?
PS Don’t forget to be there Wednesday night!
See you all then!