Christmas Eve this year will be different than previous years because it falls on a Sunday. Because of this we are actually utilizing the cafe ALL DAY and INTO THE NIGHT! We will wrap up (no pun intended) our “Unwrapping Christmas,” series at our regular Sunday morning services, 8:30 (no cafe), 10:00 and 11:30 each with the video cafe (please note that their will be no Saturday service — that means we can expect a couple hundred of our Saturday friends and family to join us as well — Plan accordingly MP’s. You would help us greatly that morning by attending the 8:30 or 11:30 cafe)… Then the fun really begins…
Christmas Eve is going to ROCK! No amount of torture could get me to divulge what it is we have planned for the community. You have to see it for yourselves and FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, DON”T COME ALONE! It’s not safe! That’s all I will say about that.
I lied. I have a bit more to say…You will want to invite EVERYONE you know and then immediately get to know more people and invite them too. If you miss this, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (not mine, YOURS. I’m going to be at all of them, duh).
Someone asked me why it’s necessary to buy tickets. Well, first of all, they are free, so don’t sweat that. Second of all, it is because we probably hold the Guinness world record for the most people meeting in the smallest box. THUS, the TWELVE services! Yes, you read that right. We are having a total of 12 services so the day’s success will depend greatly on the SCC family SPREADING OUT EVENLY. You’ve been doing really great at this lately, friends, but that day will really put us to the test. We are expecting about 3,000 people. I for one CAN’T WAIT to see what God will do!
Christmas Eve services are as follows; 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00. All but the 11:00 will also run in the cafe, and, ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? It’s live in the video cafe as well. Don’t ask me how. A magician never reveals his secrets. Just be there. You’re good, you’ll figure it out. 🙂