I want to share an e-mail with you all and hope it encourages you as it did me. I realize it can seem inconvenient (there’s that word again) and almost trivial to focus on broad issues like changing service times and seats at the most crowded services, or modeling Wednesday evening attendance, etc. But here is an example of what your small sacrifices are accomplishing already;
Hi Pastor Rob,
I work with a gentleman whose family just moved to the Waxhaw area. They are catholic, but haven’t been too pleased with the churches they visited, so the visited Southbrook. When I found out, I filled him in with my experience with the church since I’m relatively new too.
They’ve only visited a couple times and on Monday I asked if they visited this past Sunday. He said they did and that they went to the 10 am service. I asked if there was any room and he said there was tons and they got their late. That is the first time they got to sit in the main sanctuary. Typically they have to sit in the video cafe. So I thought, “Cool, people did what they were asked and went to a different service”. But it really didn’t hit home what happened until you expounded upon it last night. Because people took a small ‘inconvenience’ for themselves (yes, I read your blog ) it allowed my co-worker to experience the service as they had never experienced before…live. It totally removed any frustration of arriving late, having to walk to another building, find a seat, etc.
Just goes to show that God can do amazing things with the simplest gestures. I can wait to see what else He has in store for this body.
Marty Connell
You see? Small things make a pretty big difference!
The last 4 weeks in a row have been new high water marks in SCC’s attendance, and I can say without a doubt that it just would not have happened had so many of the faithful and servant hearted not made the switch to Saturday evening and the 11:30 am cafe.
We have room now to accommodate about 150 – 200 new folks. Isn’t that great?! And even better is the opportunity ahead because we all know by now that it will take about 2.5 nanoseconds for those seats to fill (give or take a few weeks. 🙂 ). So keep praying! Ask God to continue this great outpouring of faith and servanthood and generosity among our people so that the Great commission can move forward at SCC unabated!
Talk to you soon.
Pastor Rob